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    Shining 3D




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    28 products
    2 pages

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    Shining3D Einscan Industrial Pack

    952.99 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    671.68 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    812.73 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Einscan Color Pack Pro 2X

    932.79 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    671.68 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    812.73 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan PRO Series Reflective Markers, 3000 ks

    169.84 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    128.50 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    155.49 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Poskytuje přesně detailní 3D skenování malých a složitých objektů pomocí duální kamery o rozlišení 5 megapixelů. Jako plně automatizovaný stolní 3D skener pro skenování jedním kliknutím obsahuje AutoScan Inspec 3osé skenování pro více úhlů, což umožňuje u

    Price on request

    EinScan PRO HD

    9 805.81 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    7 115.64 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    8 609.92 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan H Ruční barevný 3D skener s LED i infračerveným zdrojem světla, ideální pro plnobarevné snímání lidského těla, včetně obličeje a vlasů. Komfortní skenování tváře bez silného světla do očí. Inovativní spojení dvou zdrojů světla – infrače

    5 978.97 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    4 545.96 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    5 500.61 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Ruční 3D skener EinScan HX S hybridní modrmý laserem a světelným zdrojem LED Nabídka pro ŠKOLY: školám nabízíme na všechny 3D skenery Shining3D slevu 5%. Stačí do objednávky vložit tento slevový kupón: SKOLA3D . Sleva se odečte až po odeslání objednáv

    12 915.12 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    9 882.98 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    11 958.41 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Einscan Color Pack HD

    932.79 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    671.68 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    812.73 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan HX Reverse Engineering Design Bundle

    15 498.72 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    11 820.52 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    14 302.83 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan HX Inspection Bundle

    22 003.87 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    15 809.45 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    19 129.43 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan PRO HD RED Bundle

    13 580.04 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    9 882.98 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    11 958.41 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan Markers, magnetické (500pcs, 6mm) - EinScan H and HX a FreeScan

    123.37 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    149.28 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan Pro 2X 2020

    7 356.63 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    5 534.30 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    6 696.50 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Shining 3D Transcan C

    5 883.30 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    4 348.29 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    5 261.43 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Vysoce přesná fotopolymerová 3D tiskárna, která zlepšuje efektivitu prototypování a zkracuje životní cyklus vývoje nového produktu. Funkce: Bezkonkurenční přesnost Přesnost tisku na úrovni IT7, která zajistí, že velikost tisku bude v souladu s veliko

    2 470.84 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    2 989.72 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    3D skener Einstar 3D 2022

    1 077.25 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    869.34 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    1 051.91 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    EinScan H / HX / Freescan Series Markers, 3168 ks

    91.61 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    110.85 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Shining3D EinScan SP V2 s točnou a s rozšířenou zárukou na 2 roky.

    2 185.78 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    2 644.79 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Einscan Baterie - výdrž až 6 hodin, kompatibilní se 3D skenery PRO / H / HX

    280.95 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    339.95 EUR 

    inc. VAT

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      set - of components in virtual product, (components can be sold separately)
    • hook - product to which other products are added automatically (e.g. source + chord)