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    8 products
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    Crimpovací kleště na RJ-45

    5.11 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    6.19 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Profesionální univerzální krimpovací kleště kovové pro konektory 8P8C; 6P6C; 6P4C; 4P4C; 4P2C

    12.90 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    15.61 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Gembird tester kabelů VI, pro RJ-45 a RG-58 kabely (NCT-1)

    6.50 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    7.86 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    univerzální odizolovávací nástroj pro vícežilové kabely

    3.46 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    4.19 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The tool kit consists of the following tools: • Crimping tool for coax and fiber optic connectors with various batches. • Stripping tool for coaxial cable • Cable cutter • Four different crimp batches. • Batch 1 crimps: RG 6, 59, 62, 140, 210, B

    15.11 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    18.28 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    • Punch tool for LSA strips • Cable insulation and cutting of the extending cable ends

    4.12 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    4.99 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    20.99 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    The discount is calculated against the lowest regular selling price for which the product was sold in the last 30 days before the start of the discount event.
    15.50 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    18.76 EUR 

    inc. VAT

    Nástroj určený pro zařezávání UTP/STP kabelu do zásuvek, patch panelů se zářezovým typem LSA

    9.86 EUR 

    exc. VAT

    11.93 EUR 

    inc. VAT

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    • Points/qty

      - product point value in promotion
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      set - of components in virtual product, (components can be sold separately)
    • hook - product to which other products are added automatically (e.g. source + chord)