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Perforated front and rear steel doors optimize cooling for high-density appliance installations Split rear doors for easy service and access Lockable doors and side walls provide a more secure environment for equipment and data 25U of full-fun
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IBM Ultrium LTO čistící páska 50x použití max. dodáváno BEZ LABELU
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offered in convenient five-pack cartons features a 5-year limited warranty certified for optimal performance with xSeries tape drives
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System x DPI C13 Enterprise PDU w/o Line Cord
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IBM 42U 1200mm Deep Dynamic Rack - 9360-4PX These 42U and 47U racks conform to the EIA-310-D industry standard for 19-inch, type A rack cabinets, and the 42U Dynamic racks have outriggers (stabilizers) allowing for movement of even large loads. Fea
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These 42U and 47U racks conform to the EIA-310-D industry standard for 19-inch, type A rack cabinets, and the 42U Dynamic racks have outriggers (stabilizers) allowing for movement of even large loads. Features include: A perforated front door allows
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Redbooks - Redbooks - The server contains IBM Integrated Management Module II (IMM2), which provides adv
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Dell originální rámeček pro HDD do serveru nebo diskového pole Dell - podporuje HOT-SWAP (HDD jsou vyměnitelné za chodu) - pro 3,5" HDD SATA/SAS - balení neobsahuje HDD kompatibilní s těmito produkty: Dell PowerEdge R310 Dell PowerEdge R320 Del
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Rack Mount Kit (RMK) for server more than 2 height units (U) or max. 50 Kg (F2) with Quick-Release-Lever (QRL). Drop in telesope rails (DI) 781mm long, full extraction 815mm, with cable management adapter (CMA) for toolless mounting of cable management
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System x 2 m Mini-SAS/Mini-SAS 1x Cable (host SFF-8088 to target SFF-8088)
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System x 6171 Rack Mount Kit - TS2900
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S2 42U Standard Rack Cabinet, Black - includes Side Panels External dimensions : Height: 1999 mm (78.7 in) Width: 605 mm (23.8 in) Depth: 1001 mm (39.4 in) Weight: 124.7 kg (275 lb) Internal dimensions : Height: 1870 mm (73.6 in) Width: 450 mm (17
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This product is compatible with the following systems: PowerEdge R210 PowerEdge R210 II PowerEdge R220 PowerEdge R310 PowerEdge R410 PowerEdge R415 PowerVault NX300
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Dell originální rámeček pro HDD do serveru nebo diskového pole. - podporuje HOT-SWAP (HDD jsou vyměnitelné za chodu) - pro 3,5" HDD SATA/SAS - balení neobsahuje HDD - balení obsahuje 4 šroubky pro uchycení HDD Kompatibilita PowerEdge R230 PowerEdge R33
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Dell originální redukce rámečku 3,5" na 2,5" pro HDD do serveru nebo diskového pole Dell - podporuje HOT-SWAP (HDD jsou vyměnitelné za chodu) - pro 2,5" HDD SATA/SAS - balení neobsahuje HDD - balení neobsahuje šroubky kompatibilní s těmito produk
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